Terms of Service
Terms of Service
By Using Bethub.gg, you acknowledge and accept the following Terms of Service in full and without reservation, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and you are responsible for compliance with any applicable laws in your jurisdiction these Terms of Service govern your use of Bethub.gg.
You must be at least 18 years of age to play on Bethub.gg.
All materials on this website are intellectual property of Bethub.gg and you may not use any of the content seen here for commercial use without permission. Exclusive rights for Counter Strike: Global Offensive and its associated virtual items belong to Steam and the Valve Corporation.
Acceptable Use
You must not use Bethub.gg in any way that causes, or may cause, damage to the website or impairment of the availability or accessibility of Bethub.gg or in any way which is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful.
Multiple user accounts are not allowed, only one user per person is allowed.
Chat Room Usage
Players are asked to remain respectful at all times. Excessive spam, harassment, staff impersonation, solicitation, and defamation are strictly forbidden. Website advertisement, particularity of competing services, is not allowed.
How use the chat?
Before using chat, read "Chat Rules". If you do not follow those rules, you will receive a permanent ban.
Can I send my coins to other players?
For send coins you must have level 1. You can send coins to other players by clicking on their username in the chat and/or directly through the chat using the format "/send Steam64ID Amount".
Privacy Policy
Steam profiles are used for identification purposes across the site. By using our service you acknowledge that your Steam profile, persona name, and avatar may be shared with other Bethub.gg users.
Bethub.gg will never ask for, collect, or share the personal information of any of our users!
Limited Liability
Bethub.gg assumes no responsibility for missed bets as a result of network latency or disconnections. Always ensure a stable connection before placing bets. Avoid placing important bets at the last second.
Bans, Timeouts & Conduct
Bethub.gg reserves the right to remove any user from our website at our sole discretion without and for any reason. Anyone attempting to scam other users will be permanently banned from using Bethub.gg.
© Bethub.gg 2024 - All rights reserved.
This website is not associated with Valve Corporation

English room

English room

Russian room

German room

French room

Spanish room
